Alleged Killer Case Postponed For A Formal Bail Application

The case of a man who allegedly killed his grandmother has been postponed to 16 March 2022, for a formal bail application by the Nelspruit Magistrates' Court. During his first appearance last week, the accused elected to conduct his defence and today he changed his mind and elected to use the services of Legal Aid South Africa.

Jay Peter's is facing charges of murder, malicious damage to property and defeating the ends of justice. The accused was residing with the victim  Susanna Kilmister (68), in Cromdale farm, Nelspruit 

It is alleged that on 28 February 2022, the accused and the victim had a heated argument, which led to the accused assaulting the victim until she died. Peters was arrested on the same day at the scene.

Issued by:

Monica Nyuswa

Regional Spokesperson/


0130450625 /0764855446

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