Nkele’s Case Postponed For Legal Aid Representation

The Mogwase Regional Court postponed the case against Oupa Nkele(41) to 02 March 2022 for Legal Aid representation and further investigations. He is charged with rape and attempted murder. Following the case being transferred to the regional court, Nkele applied for a new Legal Aid representation and an attorney will be appointed for him before the next court appearance. He is currently out on R1000 bail and he was warned to avail himself in all court appearances until the matter is concluded.

Preliminary police reports revealed that Nkele, who is currently separated from his wife, called and arranged for them to meet to discuss an urgent matter. As per the agreement, he collected the wife from her parental home on Wednesday afternoon 29 December 2021. He then drove towards a local mall, but changed directions and headed to their house at Lerome village near Mogwase.

An argument ensued after the pair arrived in Lerome, Nkele allegedly assaulted and strangled the wife with a rope, then poured her with petrol and eventually raped her. Subsequently, he allegedly forced the victim into his car and drove away with her but the victim managed to unlock the car and jumped out. According to the police report, the victim received assistance from a good Samaritan who took her to the police station where charges of attempted murder and rape were laid, leading to a swift arrest of Nkele on Thursday, 30 December 2021.


Henry Mamothame

NPA Spokesperson

North West Division

082 317 5731



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